American Board Certified Civil Surveyor
Civil surveyors are the navigators of unseen landscapes, melding technology with an innate understanding of the Earth's contours. They're the architects of precision, using cutting-edge tools to sketch the intricate topographies that shape our world. Their work isn't just about lines and measurements; it's a dance between data and artistry, where every mark on a map tells a story of infrastructure, boundaries, and progress. They traverse terrains both physical and digital, sculpting the unseen into a tangible canvas that guides the footsteps of progress. The ACCS credential tests an applicant's CAD and GIS software skills through surveying techniques by successfully employing engineering equipment.
ITI/ITC in Relevant Trade
Exam Outline
Job Prospects
  • Surveyor
  • Land & Construction Surveyor
  • GIS Specialist
  • Remote Sensing Technician
  • Geodetic Surveyor
  • Quantity & Utility Surveyor
  • Hydrographic & Geotechnical Analyst

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