American Board Certified Civil Draughtsman
Civil Draughtsman is the silent architect behind the blueprint ballet of construction. They wield lines and dimensions, choreographing a dynamic symphony of intricate plans that breathe life into engineering marvels. Their canvas isn't just paper; it's a realm where precision meets innovation. With each stroke of their digital pen or pencil, they craft the visual language that guides builders, engineers, and dreamers toward the tangible realization of ambitious structures and vibrant cityscapes. The ACCD credential tests an applicant's skills and experience in CAD software, spatial visualization, and problem-solving abilities by applying engineering principles in physical structure.
ITI/ITC in Relevant Trade
Exam Outline
Job Prospects
  • Civil Draughtsman
  • CAD Technician
  • Land Survey Draughtsman
  • Building Information Modeler
  • Drafting Supervisor
  • Urban Planner
  • Infrastructure & Construction Specialist

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